Tengo la complacencia de dirigirme a usted con el fin de solicitar su  перевод - Tengo la complacencia de dirigirme a usted con el fin de solicitar su  английский как сказать

Tengo la complacencia de dirigirme

Tengo la complacencia de dirigirme a usted con el fin de solicitar su colaboración con los costos de transferencias que realiza Astoria a su compañía, Dado que el día de hoy recibimos un comunicado que el valor de las transferencias se encuentra en US 50.00 (Adjunto Tarifas, parte de transferencia).

Por estos motivos me permito incomodarlos solicitando a Don Eusebio la ayuda del 50% de los costos de la transferencias es decir el valor asumido por ustedes será de US 25.00 el otro 50% lo asumirá Astoria,

PD. Me podría ayudar haciéndome saber cuál es la mejor forma de ver reflejado este valor en las contabilidades de ambas compañías.

De antemano agradezco su compresión,

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I have the pleasure to write to you in order to ask for his collaboration with the costs of transfers carried out Astoria to your company, since today we received a press release that the value of transfers is in US 50.00 (attachment rates, part of transfer). For these reasons I would bother them requesting Don Eusebio assistance of 50% of the costs of the transfer is the value assumed by you will be 25.00 US the other 50% will assume by Astoria, PD. You could help me letting me know what is the best way to see this value in the accounts of both companies reflected. In advance thank you for your understanding, Cordially,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I am pleased to address you in order to ask for assistance with the costs of transfers made ​​Astoria your company, Since today received a statement that the value of transfers is in US 50.00 (Deputy Rates, Transfer Part). For these reasons I let bother them by asking the help of Don Eusebio 50% of the costs of transfers that is the assumed value for you will be US 25.00 the other 50% is assumed Astoria, PD. Could help me letting me know what is the best way to see this value reflected in the accounts of both companies. Thanks in advance for your understanding, Yours sincerely,

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have the pleasure to write to you to request your assistance with the costs of transfers of Astoria to your company, since today we received a statement the value of transfers is US $50.00 (Attachment rates Transfer part

).For these reasons, I would like to bother asking Don Eusebio Aid of 50% of the costs of transfers, i.e. the value assumed by you will be US 25.00 the other 50% is Astoria, PD

. Could you help me know what is the best way to see this value in the accounts of both companies.

thank you for your understanding in advance,

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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