Un viaje puede tener diversas motivaciones, siendo sus expectativas y  перевод - Un viaje puede tener diversas motivaciones, siendo sus expectativas y  английский как сказать

Un viaje puede tener diversas motiv

Un viaje puede tener diversas motivaciones, siendo sus expectativas y objetivos muy diferentes entre sí, por lo tanto, si planificas un viaje, lo primero que debes tener claro es un destino, luego de eso, te diriges a una agencia de viajes, lugar donde te ayudan a planificar desde tu llegada hasta tu regreso.
El ejecutivo de la agencia te preguntará cual es tu presupuesto y te mostrará las opciones de viaje y la clase en la cual viajarás y si tu viaje se realizará en avión obus y por que no en un crucero; de esto depende también el costo de tu viaje.
Es importante tener pasaporte y a veces una visa, dependiendo del lugar donde decidas ir. Si no tienes pasaporte debes dirigirte al registro civil e identificación de tu ciudad para solicitarlo, en cambio sino posees visa debes hacer los trámites en laembajada del país, esto dependerá de tu destino.
Al tener ya listo los papeles de tu viaje, organiza lo que llevarás. Primero dependiendo de los días de tu viaje, elige el tamaño de la maleta, luego elige tu ropa de acuerdo al clima del lugar; no olvides llevar cámara fotográfica ofilmadora para guardar los momentos inolvidables del viaje.
Siempre es recomendable cada vez que sales de tu país, informarte sobre lamoneda del país de destino. Una opción es tener en tu poder dólares americanos, es la moneda más fácil de cambiar en cualquier parte del mundo, también puedes utilizar Euros.
Al llegar al lugar de destino es recomendable que te manejes llevando una mochiladonde llevarás alimento, la cámara y tus documentos.
Para contactarte con tu familia, en todo destino podrás encontrar lugares donde puedas conectarte a Internet y mandarle e-mail a tus familiares y amigos, y así poder compartir tu viaje con tus más cercanos.
Si en algún minuto de tu viaje tienes algún imprevisto, es recomendable dirigirte a la embajada de tu país.
Un consejo importante para todo viajero es optar por un seguro, el cual te cubrirá cualquier imprevisto de salud en donde te encuentres.
Después de tener todo esto en cuenta, te espera un ¡gran viaje!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A trip can have different motivations, being their expectations and goals are very different, therefore, if you plan a trip, the first thing you have to be clear it is a destination, after that, you go to a travel agency, place where you help plan from your arrival to your return.The Executive Agency will ask you what your budget and will show you the options of journey and class in which you will travel and if your trip will take place in aircraft shell and why not on a cruise ship; of this depends on also the cost of your trip.Is important to have Passport and sometimes a visa, depending on the place where decide to go. If you do not have a Passport you must head to the civil registry and identification of your city to request it, on the other hand but you have visa to do the procedures in laembajada of the country, this will depend on your destination.To the have already ready the papers of your travel, organizes what win. First depending on the days of your trip, choose the size of the suitcase, then choose your clothes according to the climate of the place; do not forget to bring camera ofilmadora to save the unforgettable moments of the trip.Always is recommended whenever sales of your country, inform you about coin of the country of destination. An option is have in your power dollars American, is the currency more easy of change in any part of the world, also can use Euros.Arriving at the place of destination, it is recommended that you handle carrying a mochiladonde to carry food, camera and your documents.To contact you with your family, in all destination can find places where can connect you to Internet and send you e-mail to your family and friends, and so to share your trip with your more nearby.If in some minute of your journey have some unexpected, is recommended direct you to the Embassy of your country.A Council important for all traveller is opt for a safe, which you will cover any unforeseen of health in where you find.Having all this in mind, awaits you a great trip!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A trip can have various motivations, and its expectations and very different goals together, therefore, if you plan a trip, the first thing to be clear is a destination, after that, you turn to a travel agency, where help you plan for your arrival until your return.
The executive agency will ask what your budget and show you the options and travel class in which you travel and if your trip will take place in obus plane and not on a cruise; this also depends on the cost of your trip.
It is important to have a passport and sometimes a visa, depending on where you decide to go. If you do not have a passport you must go to civil registration and identification of your city to apply, but instead you possess visa you must make arrangements in laembajada the country, this will depend on your destination.
By having ready your travel papers, organizes what you will wear. First depending on the days of your trip, choose the size of the suitcase, then choose your clothes according to the climate; do not forget to bring your camera ofilmadora to save the unforgettable moments of the trip.
It is always advisable whenever you leave your country, find out about Lamoneda the country of destination. One option is to have in your power US dollars, is the easiest to change anywhere in the world currency, you can also use Euros.
Upon arriving at the destination it is recommended that you carrying a mochiladonde llevarás you handle food, camera and your documents.
To get in touch with your family, in any destination you can find places where you can connect to the Internet and send e-mail to family and friends, so you can share your trip with your closest.
If you have something unexpected in a minute of your trip, you should go to the embassy of your country.
An important tip for any traveler is to opt for insurance, which will cover any unforeseen health where you are.
After taking all this into account, we expect a Great trip!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A Journey can have various motivations, expectations and goals are very different from each other, therefore, if you plan a Trip, you must first have a Clear destination, after that, you go to a Travel Agency, where you help plan from your arrival until your return.The Agency Executive will ask you what's your budget and will show you the Travel Options and the class in which you will travel and if your trip will be in Plane Howitzer and Why Not on a Cruise; This also depends on the cost of your trip.It is important to have a passport and a Visa, depending on where you decide to go. If you don't have a Passport, you must go to the civil registry and identification of your city to change it, but you must do the Embassy visa formalities in the country, this will depend on your destination.To have the papers ready for your trip, organizes the First Take. Depending on the day of your trip, choose the size of the Bag, then choose your clothes according to the weather of the place; do not forget to bring a camera to Save the ofilmadora unforgettable moments of the trip.It is always recommended to every time you leave your country, information on the currency of the country of destination. One option is to have power in your american dollars is the currency easier to change in any part of the World, you can also use euros.Upon arrival it is advisable that you take a mochiladonde Drive carrying food, Camera and your documents.To contact your family, in any destination you will find places where you can connect to the Internet and send email to friends and Family, so you can share your journey with your closest.If in some moment of your trip you up, it is advisable to go to the Embassy of your country.An important tip for travelers is to opt for a safe, which I will cover any unforeseen Health Wherever You are.After taking this into account, you have a great trip!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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